Boys 15U-17U & Girls 15U-17U

National High School Federation rules will be followed except:

1. Each player will be allowed a total of six (6) fouls before being disqualified.
2. ONE and ONE FREE THROWS will NOT be shot until the 10th FOUL.
3. All games will be played in two (2) fifteen (15) minute halves.
4. No Carry-Over Time-Outs from Regulation in Overtime. The first overtime
period will be two (2) minutes in length. The second overtime period will be one
(1) minute in length. After two (2) overtimes, the third overtime will be SUDDEN
DEATH. There will be one (1) thirty-second (30) timeout in all overtimes. No
5. There will be a two (2) minute rest period between halves.
6. Teams will be allowed to call one (1) full timeout and two (2) thirty-second (30)
timeouts during the regulation game. (FOR OVERTIME SEE RULE #5).
7. There will be a minimum three (3) minute warm-up period between games.
8. No games will begin before the time listed on the official game schedule.
9. All teams are expected to arrive for games prior to the scheduled start times.
The amount of grace time that a team will be allowed and not have to forfeit their
assigned game when they are not prepared to play at game time will be
determined by the tournament committee based on all information available. If a
team knowingly cannot play their game, they must notify the Tournament Director
in advance.
10. All players must have high school eligibility remaining or be going into their
FIRST YEAR of prep school.
11. Pool Tiebreakers: In case of a two-way pool play tie, the winner of the head-
to-head matchup will get the higher seed. In case of a three-way tie, a point
differential using all pool play games will be used to determine play-off seeding
with no win garnering more than 15 points allowed (15 point maximum per win)
as well as no loss being counted as more than 15 points in the negative. IF there
is a tie of point differential: if two teams tie, we move to head-to-head tie breaker.
12. Fighting WILL NOT be tolerated. Players or coaches involved may be
removed from the tournament.
13. Mercy Rule: If a team is up 20 points or more with five (5) minutes or less to
play in regulation, the game will go to a running clock.
****Each team will receive three coach wristbands (Coaches must be certified)

Boys & Girls 3-8 Grades (9U-14U)

National High School Federation rules will be followed except:

1. Each player will be allowed a total of six (6) fouls before being disqualified.
2. ONE and ONE FREE THROWS will NOT be shot until the 10th FOUL.
3. All games will be played in two (2) fourteen (14) minute halves.
4. No Carry-Over Time-Outs from Regulation in Overtime. The first overtime period will be
one (1) minute in length. The second overtime period will be one (1) minute in length.
After two (2) overtimes, the third overtime will be SUDDEN DEATH. There will be one (1)
thirty-second (30) timeout (total) in all overtimes. Not one in each OT!
5. There will be a two (2) minute rest period between halves.
6. Teams will be allowed to call one (1) full time-out and two (2) 30 second time outs.
7. There will be a minimum three (3) minute warm-up period between games.
8. No game will begin before the time listed on the official game schedule.
9. All teams are expected to arrive for games prior to the scheduled start times. The
amount of grace time that a team will be allowed and not have to forfeit their assigned
game when they are not prepared to play at game time will be determined by the
tournament committee based on all information available. If a team knowingly cannot
play their game, they must notify the Tournament Director in advance.
10. Pool Tiebreakers: In case of a two-way pool play tie, the winner of the head-to-head
matchup will get the higher seed. In case of a three-way tie, a point differential using all
pool play games will be used to determine play-off seeding with no win garnering more
than 15 points allowed (15 point maximum per win) as well as no loss being counted as
more than 15 points in the negative. IF there is a tie of point differential: if two teams tie,
we move to head to head tie breaker.
11. Fighting WILL NOT be tolerated. Players, coaches, or Parents involved may be removed
from tourney. Please be advised that Nevada Law allows referees to call the Police.
12. Mercy Rule: If a team is up 20 points or more with five (5) minutes or less to play in
regulation, the game will go to a running clock.
13. 11U will use a size 6 basketball. 12U and Up will use a size 7 basketball unless agreed upon by
both coaches.
* Players must be in the age or grade they are playing in. For example, Players in the 7th grade
can be 13 or 14 years old, but cannot turn 15 before 9/1/2023. Players in the 8th grade who want to
play down into the 7th grade division cannot turn 14 before 9/1/2023.
*A player may play in more than one division if they are with the same organization.
* All players in these divisions are required to provide identification.
* In the 3-8 grade divisions, birth certificates and 2022-2023 report cards are required to verify age
and grade.
* All formal protests will be reviewed by the tournament committee, and their rulings will be final. If
the protest is concerning age qualification, the protest must be raised PRIOR to the start of the game
in question. A $200 fee will be required to file a formal complaint and be refunded only if the protest
has been won. No protest will be reviewed until the $200 is paid.
** Any player found in violation of the age rule will be immediately suspended from the rest of the
tournament, and the violating team will be given losses to all games that the violating player
participated in.
*** Anyone who is thrown out the gym (This also include anyone in their party) by a referee,
Security, or Police officer will not get a refund! STAY out of Trouble and let these kids enjoy
Each team will be given two (2) Tournament coaches wristbands.
Players may only play on one team in the same division. Only exception is they
may play up on two teams if the teams are in the same organization.

NCAA Rules: 15U - 17U







Age Requirements


Players in the 3rd grade can be 9 or 10 years old, but cannot turn 11 before 9/1. Players in the 4th grade who want to play down into the 3rd grade division cannot turn 10 before 9/1.


Players in the 4th grade can be 10 or 11 years old, but cannot turn 12 before 9/1. Players in the 5th grade who want to play down into the 4th grade divisions cannot turn 11 before 9/1.



Players in the 5th grade can be 11 or 12 years old, but cannot turn 13 before 9/1. Players in the 6th grade who want to play down into the 5th grade division cannot turn 12 before 9/1.



Players in the 6th grade can be 12 or 13 years old, but cannot turn 14 before 9/1. Players in the 7th grade who want to play down into the 6th grade division cannot turn 13 before 9/1.



Players in the 7th grade can be 13 or 14 years old, but cannot turn 15 before 9/1. Players in the 8th grade who want to play down into the 7th grade division cannot turn 14 before 9/1.


Players in the 8th grade can be 14 or 15 years old, but cannot turn 16 before 9/1. Players in the 9th grade who want to play down into the 8th grade division cannot turn 15 before 9/1.


Players in the 9th grade can be 15 or 16 years old, but cannot turn 17 before 9/1. Players in the 10th grade who want to play down into the 9th grade division cannot turn 16 before 9/1.

16U / 10TH GRADE

Players in the 10th grade can be 16 or 17 years old, but cannot turn 18 before 9/1. Players in the 11th grade who want to play down into the 10th grade division cannot turn 17 before 9/1.


The boys’ 17U & girls’ Varsity divisions are actually “open divisions,” where unsigned seniors with remaining high school eligibility can play. However, players cannot turn 20 before 9/1. Unsigned seniors can play as long as they have not committed in writing to play for a college at any level. Unsigned prep school players are also eligible to play in our tournaments. If a player has signed a letter of intent and you think they won’t qualify because of grades, they still cannot play. The tournament management has the right to exclude any senior from playing. No player who has attended junior college or college may play in this event.